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September 2012

ISLAMABAD: Thar Coal to generate 100MW electricity from next year

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By Hanif Khalid (The News Report)

The nation is likely to hear a historic good news before June next year. Pakistani will start getting electricity from Thar Coal for the first time in the history by the end of the current financial year 2012-2013, disclosed Dr Shabbir, the Managing Director of Planning Division’s Thar Coal Power Project, while talking to this correspondent.

 This electricity will be generated by using gas produced by Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), MD further stated.

For this revolution, the remaining amount of Rs900 million must be released by the Government of Pakistan in the beginning of second quarter of fiscal year 2012-2013. Ministry of Finance has released the first installment of Rs900 million on 27th August, 2012. This amount was allocated for the financial year 2011-2012. Due to the stubborn attitude of former Federal Secretary Planning, the amount of Rs900 million could not be released till the end of last financial year.Read More »ISLAMABAD: Thar Coal to generate 100MW electricity from next year

KARACHI: Government reduces age limit of used cars’ imports from 5 years to 4

Importers and dealers of used cars have blamed local automobile industry for spreading propaganda against them to reduce the depreciation limit up to four years.
All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association (APMDA) has sent a letter to the prime minister in response to recent government action, demanding to revert back the decision and allow the imports of up to five-year-old used cars.
With reducing the age limit, the imports of cars will be slowed down sharply and the prices of available cars will be increased by Rs 60,000 to Rs 260,000 on models from 600cc to 1800cc.Read More »KARACHI: Government reduces age limit of used cars’ imports from 5 years to 4