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Pak Economy

Important information about Pakistan economy

Sindh Budget 2011-12

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The Sindh Government announced a Rs 391.9 billion revenue-oriented budget here Friday for next fiscal, 2011-12, with revenue expenditures totalled to be around 283.14 billion.The budget was announced by Provincial Finance Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in the Sindh Assembly.“Current budget estimates had been around Rs 340 billion in the previous fiscal,” he informed the House.The House was further informed that the current capital expenditure has been raised from Rs 44.96 billion to Rs 102 billion for next fiscal.Read More »Sindh Budget 2011-12

Pakistan Economic Survey 2010-2011

The current fiscal year unemployment rate remained at 5.6 percent, while the per capita income amounted to $1264, says the Economic Survey 2010-11.

Islamabad released statistics said that Pakistan’s local debts amounted to Rs5463 billion, while the foreign loans stood at Rs4726 billion, which adding up to make the total loans amount peaked at Rs10189 billion.Read More »Pakistan Economic Survey 2010-2011

Pakistan Budget proposals 2011-12

SECP recommends to reduce WHT rate in budget

* WHT rate on gold at import stage be reduced from 1.0% to 0.1%, if imported through Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited

By Sajid Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) in its budget proposals 2011-12 has proposed to the budget makers to reduce the withholding tax (WHT) rate on gold at import stage from 1.0 percent to 0.1 percent, if imported through Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited, tax credit for enlistment on a sock exchange in Pakistan and exemption of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on gain on sale of any instrument of redeemable capital. Read More »Pakistan Budget proposals 2011-12

SBP first quarterly report 2010-11: Pak-economy’s health questionable

Low tax-to-GDP ratio, high imports, continued energy shortages, and undocumented economy must be dealt with otherwise the key imbalances of the macro-economy might not be manageable

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

SBP has published its first quarterly report for the year 2010-11 in which it indicated many ills of the macro-economy along with their solutions. The ongoing energy saga, circular debt and weak business confidence have shaken the economy, which is now projected to grow by 2 to 3 per cent only. The report has reaffirmed the fact that the economy is not in a healthy shape and any further delay in implementing critical structural reforms would increase the costs to the economy.Read More »SBP first quarterly report 2010-11: Pak-economy’s health questionable

SBP Annual Report 2009-10-Price stability and growth

After having a challenging year in terms of achieving price stability, FY10 was a year of recovery in growth and ease in inflationary pressures for the country. This coupled with improvements in external sector indicators and exchange rate stability helped SBP to ease its monetary policy stance during the year with a 150 basis points cut in the discount rate. The first cut came inRead More »SBP Annual Report 2009-10-Price stability and growth