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April 2011



According to a US official in Washington the Central Intelligence Agency CIA has no plans to suspend operations in Pakistan against terror suspects despite objections from leaders in Islamabad. Reported by AFP Leon Panetta of the CIA told Pakistani intelligence officials last week that he has a duty to prevent attacks on the United States. He said it is the fundamental responsibility of CIA to protect the American people and it will not halt operations that support that objective. The drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan are also a part of this strategy. In the light of the statement made by Leon Panetta it is something very much clear that there would be no change in the US drone strategy in near or far future. After the release of Raymond Davis it was a very common misunderstanding in Pakistan that the USA would be thankful and obliged by this kind favour of letting Raymond go back safe and sound after killing two innocent Pakistanis in Lahore. It was also foolishly expected that US cruel and brutal and selfish Read More »USA PROTECTING TERRORISM

Pakistan to have first on-grid solar electricity generation system

The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is all set to establish first on-grid solar electricity generation system in the country during the current year to overcome energy crisis.

“This solar system and smart grid is becoming a reality in less than a year,” said PEC Chairperson Senator Rukhsana Zuberi, addressing a press conference Saturday.Read More »Pakistan to have first on-grid solar electricity generation system



“The terrorists and militants are not in Afghanistan, but instead are hiding in neighboring Pakistan”, said Hamid Karzai talking to the relatives of civilians killed in a raid by international forces in Asadabad, in the second week of March. Asadabad is the capital of eastern Kunar province. He further said that the international troops should leave Afghanistan and take their fight against terrorism across the border into Pakistan. The Read More »AFGHANISTAN IN THE HANDS OF A PUPPET


By Qaisar Sultan

Homer’s tale of Troy foretold the world the division between East and West. The Greeks had to conquer and teach a “lesson” to their rivals in the East about the ethical and moral traditions of being a civilized guest and respectful to their women. Iliad was the first mythological or true story of the time of lore, where Agamemnon says: “Greeks do not commit murders of innocent people”. In this dialogue we see the subtlety of ethnic superiority to others. Read More »Ethnicity

Political Incompetence

By Qaisar Sultan

There are questions and answers that are unpleasant to those who cannot consider any other possibility beyond what prevailed in a country or in a society. What Pakistani military has done or undone seems to be harsh, seemingly unpatriotic and anti-state to talk about; the fear of reprisal is present in the minds of Pakistani journalists. The affairs of heart that get mixed up with hate and love are part of perplexed human existence. Men do not like to see violent death; but have to go to war to survive. If it is not simply a matter of survival, they find faith in resorting to most cruel human conduct. If it is not about faith, to Read More »Political Incompetence