World popular Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan is passing through the ever worst period of his life as an actor. His bad days started last November on his 50th birthday. Those were the days when countless writers, actors, professors and students joined hands together in protest against repeated incidents of religious intolerance against the minorities in India. Talking at a press conference at Mumbai he had said, “Religious intolerance and not being secular…is the worst kind of crime that you can do as a patriot”. When the media-men asked him if he was ready to give up his awards in protest much like those over the past month, Shah Rukh Khan said he would, in a symbolic gesture if asked to. “Let me get a National Award, and then I will return it”, said he. The Hindu extremists expressed their worst reaction on this statement and started protesting all over India. On 14th February 2016 around 04.30 in the morning some members of Vishva Hindu Parishad started pelting stones at Shah Rukh’s car which was parked at hotel Hyatt Regency on Ashram Road, Ahmadabad. Police arrested three of the VHP members booked in this connection. According to the Press Trust of India the Gujarat unit of VHP claimed responsibility for the incident. The most positive aspect of the story is that the government of India has yet not dragged Pakistan into this pelting episode on Shah Rukh’s car because it has become a tradition in India that all official investigative agencies of India do nothing but simply focus all their efforts on finding the traces of Pakistan behind every troublesome activity.Read More »THE INNOCENT SHAH RUKH KHAN