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December 2011

Will PML-N come to PPP government’s rescue?

By Muhammad Akram

The Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) has decided to tread cautiously on the path, it chose for itself last month, to bring the PPP-led coalition government to its knees following the emergence of volatile and uncertain political situation in the country in the wake of ‘sudden’ travel abroad of President Asif Ali Zardari, ostensibly on his deteriorating health condition, informed party sources confided to Daily Times on Thursday.

The sources said that PML-N President Nawaz Sharif’s wish for an early recovery of President Zardari was a well-thought move aimed at easing out the tension on the national horizon as rumours are rife of the latter’s feeling tremendous pressure owing to the ‘memogate’ scandal that has reported strained ties between the democratic government and the powerful military establishment.Read More »Will PML-N come to PPP government’s rescue?

Why Kashmir is Important to Me?

Dr. Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai

Washington, D.C.

December 7, 2011

(The statement was issued at the Alexandria Court House, Virginia)


The Kashmir issue is simply this: the people of a large territory which is not part of any existing sovereign state were assured by the entire international community represented by the United States that they would be enabled to decide their future by a free vote. Until now, this assurance has not been honored.


I, as an American of Kashmiri origin am profoundly grateful to the Administration for upholding the position of principle which the United States has sustained throughout the existence of the contentious issue relating to the status of Kashmir. When the Kashmir dispute erupted in 1947-1948, the United States championed the stand that the future status of Kashmir must be determined by the will of the people of the territory and that their wishes must be ascertained through an impartial plebiscite under the supervision and control of the United Nations. The U.S. was a principle sponsor of the resolution # 47 which was adopted by the Security Council on April 21, 1948 and which was based on that unchallenged principle. It was also upheld equally by both India and Pakistan when the Kashmir dispute was brought before the Security Council in 1948. The commitment of the U.S. was indicated by a personal appeal made by President Harry Truman that differences over demilitarization be submitted to arbitration by the Plebiscite Administrator, a distinguished American war hero: Admiral Chester Nimitz.Read More »Why Kashmir is Important to Me?

Imran is not greedy, says Jemaima

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LONDON: Jemima Goldsmith has said that she loaned Imran Khan money in 2003 but he return all after selling the flat in London, in order to pay for his house outside Islamabad.

In a message via social networking site, Jemima clarified that she initially paid the money for the house until he sold his flat and then paid her back.

She said, “Can’t believe we’re divorced and I’m still Imran’s Achilles’ heel. He has faults but greed is not one of them, unlike many in Pakistani politics.”Read More »Imran is not greedy, says Jemaima

U.S. judge rejects Apple bid to halt Galaxy sales

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SAN JOSE, California: Apple failed to convince a U.S. judge to block Samsung Electronics from selling Galaxy smartphones and tablets in the U.S. market, depriving the iPhone and iPad maker of crucial leverage in a global patent battle between the two companies.

In a ruling released late on Friday, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California denied Apple’s request for a preliminary injunction against Samsung.

The two companies are engaged in a bruising legal battle that includes more than 20 cases in 10 countries as they jostle for the top spot in the smartphone and tablet markets.Read More »U.S. judge rejects Apple bid to halt Galaxy sales