UAE Economy: Signs of Dynamics and Diversity
Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan
Under the visionary leadership of UAE the economy is strong, stable and sustainable. Now, UAE is considered one of the advanced open-economy states in the world where golden principles of free market and fair competition principles really exist. Moreover, the UAE’s economy is the second largest in the Arab World. The country was ranked 14 out of 181 countries in the World Bank report on trade across borders. The UAE also ranked ahead in terms of technological readiness and innovation. The report ranked the UAE 6th, 9th, 10th, 21st and 25th in terms of infrastructure, institutions, market efficiency, competence and innovation respectively. The Index of Economic Freedom ranks the UAE as the 46th most economically free country higher than countries like France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and China.Read More »UAE Economy: Signs of Dynamics and Diversity