@umairtaxconsultant1@UMAIRGULZARVOHRATAX Video description: In this video, we will discuss 5 common misunderstandings about Section 7E of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, which imposes a tax on the fair market value of immovable property in Pakistan. We will clear up these misconceptions and explain who is actually liable to pay this tax, as well as the exemptions that are available. 5 Common Misunderstandings About 7E Income Tax on Property in Pakistan? 1.Property Valuation? 2.Exemption Criteria person wise? 3.Rental Income on Property? 4.Non Resident Pakistani Property? 5.How to Save 7E Tax Tips 6.Property Ownership? Multiple Joint +Business Ownership SEO keywords: Section 7E income tax on property in Pakistan misunderstandings about Section 7E property tax in Pakistan immovable property tax in Pakistan who is liable to pay Section 7E tax exemptions from Section 7E tax Hashtags: #7Eincometax#propertytaxinpakistan#immovablepropertytaxinpakistan#section7E#taxavoidance#taxplanning#taxsavings#umairgulzar#umairgulzartax What up Contact for more detail 03214546184