By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

How you rate Pakistan-Kuwait bilateral diplomatic relations along with suggestions for its further strengthening?
Our diplomatic relations are distinct, friendly and extraordinary based on Islamic brotherhood for the beneficiaries of the two friendly people and their countries , adding that the roots of these ancient and historical relations which exist between our two countries were established since our forefathers and grandfathers were roaming Karachi Sea on their business trips. Moreover, we highly oblige and appreciate the friendly role of the Government of Pakistan in liberation of Kuwait and in removal of mines during the invasion of the State of Kuwait.
What is the potential for further strengthening trade and economic ties between Pakistan and Kuwait?
Kuwait extends its cooperation and keen interest to strengthen the mutual relations with the brotherly Islamic Republic of Pakistan in all fields, and vows for the development of these relations by exchanging the visits of high level delegations both on official and private sectors in order to locate different cooperation fields. I came to Pakistan with special instructions of high level official of my country to extend my best efforts to strengthen the mutual cooperation for the beneficiaries of the two countries.
What are the attractive employment opportunities and prospects of manpower exports of Pakistanis to your country?
Kuwait hosts 153,000 Pakistanis technical and skilled manpower, they enjoy their stay in their friendly second country, I would like to state that in order to strengthen these friendly relations Kuwait is in need of unlimited Doctors and paramedical staff to join their duties in Kuwait. In this regard Kuwait is taking necessary steps to communicate with the official of the Government of Pakistan to advertise the vacant situation in local Daily Newspapers to fill the vacancies announced by the Ministry of Health of Kuwait, giving first priority to brotherly Pakistan in order to cement and develop the mutual relations which exist between the two Muslims countries and their people.
What are the favorite areas/sectors of investments of your country in Pakistan?
Investments sectors are open with out any specified areas, whereas, Kuwait never hesitates to extend its cooperation for the investment in multilateral projects for the beneficiaries of the two countries.
What are prospects of having cooperation for development of small and medium enterprises between the two countries?
As I stated above that Kuwait welcomes the joint beneficent for the people of the two countries without any specified investment field, I am extending my best efforts to search for the wider cooperation which is a focal point of my official duties for the achievement of the goals as my main responsibilities.
Do we have any joint venture in Pakistan and furthermore what are the priorities of your country in terms of joint ventures?
Yes particularly with: Kuwait-Pak Investment Com., Takaful Insurance Com. And Kuwait Petroleum Corporation.
What are your suggestions to combat terrorisms both at bilateral level and within the multilateral system of the United Nations?
Kuwait strongly condemn all shape of terrorisms and extremism activities, praying to Allah almighty to bless the Government of Pakistan to combat these activities in order to secure peace and stability in the region in whole.
What are the salient features of Kuwait 4-year spending plan announced in 2010?
A planed resolution has been adopted for the development in Kuwait for the next 4-year estimated more than 100 billion US$, where Kuwait is doing its best efforts to secure its position as an International financial centre for the investment and development in the world map.
The Western media always propagate about alleged human rights violation in many GCC? What are the levels of human rights in your country?
Kuwait is among those countries who have noble record for the respect of human rights, and working together to extend its services in order to resolve what so ever of concerns and problems in this regard, referring to the chairman ship of the State of Kuwait for the human rights meeting held in Geneva recently is a self explanatory example which affirms the positive role of Kuwait in the International level in different fields such as education, general health, and the freedom of expression etc, all these rights are guaranteed for all without any discrimination which is adopted by the Kuwaiti constitution .
What is your message to common people of Pakistan?
I would like to assure my brotherly people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan that I came to this Islamic country to extend my best efforts to strengthen the cordial and historical relations which exist between our two brotherly Islamic countries for the betterment of both Governments as well as private level. I pray to Allah almighty to help me to serve my brotherly country Pakistan as we do remember the role of the Government and people of Pakistan in the hours of need extending my pray for all the progress and prosperity and development for brotherly Pakistan and their people
I not only very much wonder but seriuosly object too about prefix of H.H, being used for Ambassador for whom nothing but H. E is to be used. Please insert correction otherwise it proves that Pakistanis lack in simple basic official decorum. I will visit the place later to see the correction.
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Pakistani in Kuwait since 1978 / / 2nd March 2013
we proud on pak kuwait relations and we also proud on kuwaiti people who are noice and very good people .the kuwait is good and very beautiful country and its people are so good and very noice lovely people of kuwait.