According to the Times of India, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh has warned Pakistan of breaking into ten pieces. While speaking to a gathering in Indian-held Kashmir a few days back, he said, “Pakistan has been divided into 2 countries in 1971. If it does not stop cross-border terrorism, it will soon be in 10 pieces.” It is possible that this statement of Rajnath Singh might have elevated his political status within a limited circle but for Pakistan such foolish statements have no importance or value. It has been a very old tradition of the Indian politicians, particularly of those belonging to the BJP to blame, threat and to warn Pakistan because they are misguided by their misconception that by doing so they can win the hearts of the Indian people. It is a day-light fact that there is no hatred for Pakistan among the Indian people. Every year so many delegates from India come to visit Pakistan and so many go there from this side and no one ever complains of any misbehave or maltreatment in either country. Different businessmen from Pakistan have very close business relations with the Indian business community and there are so many who are engaged in joint trade ventures in other parts of the world too. India is a country of more than 138,188,240 Muslims according to India’s 2011census. This number equates to roughly 13.4 percent of the country’s population which at the time was over 1 billion people. Even today Islam is the second most popular religion in India. So it is almost next to impossible for the people of Pakistan to hate a country where their Muslim brothers are living in such a large number. It is also true that there is a small fraction of the Hindu extremists who are a continuous threat not only to the Muslims but also to the Christians, Sikhs and to the low-caste Hindus too. But in BJP, these Hindu extremists are in majority.Read More »ATTENTION MR.HOME MINISTER