Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Shahbaz Sharif said that establishment of Ashiana Housing Scheme (AHS), which contains houses equipped with modern facilities for the poor and common man, was an important step towards transformation of the country into an Islamic welfare state in accordance with the vision of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. He said this while addressing an inaugural balloting ceremony of Ashiana Quaid Extension Project, at the CM’s Secretariat on Wednesday. The CM said that a scheme like the AHS was initiated in the country for the first time, wherein houses were provided to the poor that were equipped with modern facilities. He said that work on the extension project of Ashiana Quaid at Saroba Atari had also been initiated, where 2,000 houses were to be constructed. Shahbaz added that work on Ashiana Iqbal at Burki Road would soon be initiated where 8,000 houses would be built. He said that 10 percent quota in the AHS had been reserved for families of the security officers killed, orphans and widows, adding that the down payment of their houses was being made by the Punjab government.
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