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December 23, 2010

Pakistan Politics: Maggots eating away the decaying body

By Qaisar Sultan

When the process of decay in Pakistani politics, education and morals corded the state at its core? Few like to start with general Ayuab Khan; some blame Bhutto; many believe general Zia who destroyed the civility of the state; and the younger generation knows only the star of modern politics in Pakistan that started with Benazir and Nawaz Sharif, bringing in the corruption and family politics. Nawaz and ruling party leadership are now pointing the figure at general Musharraf- He was a prince among the thieves. I think that the whole country, including the most leaders of the world, with some exceptions, get clear picture that Zardari is the last straw breaking the camel’s hump. The process of the decay has changed into a lump of rotten body being chewed up by the maggots, the politicians, the military, bureaucrats, office workers, legislators and anybody who is somebody important. Most honest and decent men and women are mere spectators to watch the demise of something so sacred, a nation that was and still is their dream. Read More »Pakistan Politics: Maggots eating away the decaying body